
Shuttle racking system is similar to drive in system. However, it is a system stacking device does not enter the storage corridors while operating; instead of this shuttle device enters in deep and does the operation itself Thanks to the electric carrier called Shuttle, it can easily load and unload the products in each storage corridor.


With this system, a large number of pallets with similar characteristics can be stacked into blocks.

Shuttle (Mekik) is mainly designed to be transported by forklift. It is left in the rack (in the shuttle rail) with the help of forklift to be filled or emptied. After this stage, the operator puts the pallet to the rack level where the shuttle runs and commands the radio-controlled shuttle with the help of remote control. The operator is no longer in direct contact with the pallet and shelf system. The shuttle lifts the corresponding pallet and cuts it off the shuttle rail and takes the entire load on itself.m The shuttle leaves the pallet at the end of the rack or at a safe distance if a pallet has already been loaded. After completing this process, the system quickly arrives at the starting point, where the operator first leaves the pallet on the shuttle rack and waits for a new command.

When it is desired to pick a pallet from the relevant rack level, the shuttle is carried to the relevant rack level by forklift as in the beginning. With the command given, it takes the pallet that it catches in the closest position to the beginning of the rack and takes it to the starting point of the rack and completes its cycle. At this point, the shuttle can be given a new command to receive another pallet.

With the help of the sensors on the shuttle , even if the pallet at the shelf head is not taken by the operator, the shuttle realizes that the pallet at the shelf starting point is not taken and waits at a safe distance from the pallet to be picked up and waits for the operator to pick up the pallet at the shelf head. When the operator detaches the pallet from the rack and moves away from the safe distance, the shuttle moves at a suitable speed to the rack and leaves the load on the rack and completes the cycle.

Pallets stacked in depth direction can work with FIFO (first in first out) or FILO (first in last out) principle. It is possible to work with any kind of truck.


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